Friday, April 4, 2008


Aside from cars, my other true obsession is bread. Not the mass-produced, plastic bagged, soft, bland, "amogollao" stuff you get at the nearest grocery store (although I'll eat that any time,) but the kind done by hand, with a heavy crust you need to work your teeth into, with simple ingredients, but with complex flavor and aroma; bread worth packing and carrying four thousand miles just to share it with your family.

I find a good baguette, and I must eat it all at once (with oil and cheese, sometimes with just butter.) It truly is an addiction, and for me, that's bad news ("hello, rising sugar level.")

Here in Seattle there are a few bakeries that are as obsessed than I am about bread (probably, more so.) I found this article describing them:

Paraphrasing Ben Franklin, I think bread this good is proof that God loves us, and wants us to be happy...
(even more than beer...) :-)

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